Identifier Pattern Scenario

Landing Page (which is a Content Resource) ➞ DOI HTTP URI

The use of Typed Links in the HTTP Link header is illustrated for the paper:

Jones, S., Van de Sompel, H., Shankar, H., Klein, M., Tobin, R., and Grover, C. Scholarly Context Adrift: Three out of Four URI References Lead to Changed Content. PLoS ONE, 11(12): e0167475 (2016).

This is a summary of the links that should be provided:

  • The Landing Page, which is a Content Resource, should provide a link with the cite-as relation type pointing at the HTTP URI rendering of the DOI.

Link Headers for the Identifier pattern

Visualization of link relations

The HTTP Link header to express the persistent identifier for the scholarly object with Landing Page URI is:
$ curl -I ""

Link: <> ; rel="cite-as"