Content Resources Scenario

Landing Page ➞ Content Resources

The use of Typed Links in the HTTP Link header is illustrated for the paper:

Jenkins, S. D., and Ruostekoski, J. Controlled manipulation of light by cooperative response of atoms in an optical lattice. Article on University of Southampton Institutional Research Repository ePrints Soton at, Dec. 2011.

This is a summary of the links that should be provided:

  • The Landing Page should have links with the item relation type pointing at each Content Resource.
  • Each item link should have attributes to express the MIME type and possibly profile of the resource that is the target of the link.
  • Each Content Resource should link back to the Landing Page with the collection relation type.

Link Headers for the Content Resources pattern

Visualization of link relations

The HTTP Link header to link to content resources for the Landing Page URI is:
$ curl -I ""

Link: <> ; rel="item" ; type="application/pdf",
 <> ; rel="item" ; type="application/pdf"
The HTTP Link header to link back to the landing page for the Publication PDF URI is:
$ curl -I ""

Link: <> ; rel="collection" ; type="text/html"
The HTTP Link header to link back to the landing page for the Supplemental Item URI is:
$ curl -I ""

Link: <> ; rel="collection" ; type="text/html"